Owning a pet brings most people great joy, and the statistics back this notion up. Around 68% of American households have a pet, and this is no small percentage of the population. This equates to 85 million families across the country opening their homes and hearts to a furry friend. This number is continually growing, and it has long surpassed the 56% of U.S. households owning pets in the year 1988. Having a pet to come home to is enough to make anyone's day, and the health benefits surpass the emotional spectrum.
It's no secret that daily walks with your dog can keep you fit, but simply owning a canine helps you to reap endless health benefits. Having a dog helps to lower your stress, decrease your blood pressure, and even prevent heart attacks. Your canine companion can help you overcome depression and even drop some extra pounds. Owning a dog can be especially vital to older individuals, and can be a profound sense of purpose to a person's life.
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