Dog Walker Comes Across An Abandoned Pit Bull With A Strange Note On A Tree Nearby Inside A Park

 Just another day turned into the most unexpected one for Eric Maus, an animal lover. We all have our escape routes from the daily hectic lives and for Eric, dogs were his escape.

We all remain stuck in our 9 to 5 jobs and in that hustle to excel in our jobs we often forget what we love doing. But this young lad Eric was not going to give in this trend of the rat race. So he did what he could do, to turn his life in a better direction and at that time do what he loves. But who would have thought that one day he would stumble across a note that would completely change his life!

Eric Maus

Eric Maus is a normal Brooklyn resident who works as a full-time screenwriter. But this is not the course of livelihood that Eric chose. This was the only job that he could bag but he was never satisfied with what he was doing for a livelihood. He wanted to follow his passion and do what he thought he loved.

A Dog Or A Cat Person?

That’s a question that almost every animal lover has come across at least once. A person who likes dogs is touted to have characters of dogs like being over-friendly and social while the ones who adore cats are known to have the traits of an open-minded person and being an introvert.


Eric who was also an animal lover too had come across this question several times. But Eric had a fixed answer to this never-ending debate. Since his childhood, Eric was a big-time dog lover. During his childhood days, he used to help out the dogs in his neighborhood.

Personal Problems

But by the time he became an adult, he started maintaining his distance with the dogs. And this was not because time had reduced the love he had for dogs, it was merely because of the problems he was facing in his own life that made him fall apart from something he loved.


Due to his problems, he could not take up a dog as a pet and a cherry on the top of all this was his financial condition as he was not in a condition to take care of a pet. And while all this was happening he took up the job of a screenwriter for his living.

Part-Time Job

Eric was frustrated by the fact that he could not carry on his passion, the love for dogs as his daily living. So one day he decided that while he will continue to be a full-time screenwriter he will also start working as a part-time dog walker.

Monday Morning

One fine Monday morning, Eric decided to take two of his clients for a stroll. Since the day he had started working as a dog-walker, Eric started to feel contentment. He felt as if he was doing something worthwhile and this was something that he wasn’t getting between his screenwriter job.

Two Clients

Gouda and Lily.

These were the names of the clients that he had taken for a stroll on that particular Monday morning. Gouda and Lily were two of Eric’s favorite clients. Whenever he got a chance to take these two on a walk he was delighted because  Lily and Gouda were two sweethearts who loved everyone, even the strangers.

A Long Stroll

But when Eric picked up Gouda and Lily for a stroll he would have never thought that he would come across something that will leave a mark on his life forever. Eric took both of his clients for a stroll to Prospect Park that was longer than the daily routine he had set for his clients.

A Professional

So now that Eric had taken up the job of dog-walker he thought of taking Gouda and Lily for a professional stroll. He was now pursuing his passion for helping dogs in a professional capacity, so he took them both in Prospect Park.

Usual Morning

Eric would have never thought that Monday was going to be anything different than his normal days, but could he have been any more wrong. He never thought that he would come across something that is going to change his life forever.

Unexpected Presence

Eric while strolling the park with Lily and Gouda saw something that was tied to the tree. He could not confirm what it was because he was far away from the tree. But when he came close to the tree he was shocked to see what was tied to that tree.

A Pitbull

When Eric came close to the tree he was shocked and could not believe his eyes. He found himself face to face with a chubby pitbull. He never thought that he would stumble across a Pitbull in a park. “When I was walking up to the waterfall, across the bridge, I saw this really big, chubby pit bull tied to the tree,” said Eric in an interview.

All Alone?

As soon as Eric came across the pitbull the first thing that crossed his mind was ‘Where are his parents? Eric who was always passionate about helping dogs was terrified at the thought of the dog being alone in the park. Eric was not sure about what was going on and was doubtful about the surroundings.

A Serious Issue

Was this pitbull on his own? Where were his parents?

These were the thoughts that were running constantly in Eric’s mind. He was concerned about the pooch. He had always loved dogs and he did not want something bad to happen to this dog too.


Eric had no clue as to what he should do next. He was getting anxious about where were this dog’s parents. “I looked around and I called out to her, ‘Hey, where’s your owner?’” He was not sure what to do and called out to her and hoped that if someone was nearby, they would come out and take her with him.

Unsafe Place

One thing that Eric was sure about at this point was that there was no one near her, and the other thing he kept on his mind was that he could not leave this pooch alone in a place like that. He knew that this was no safe place for her to be alone.

Prospect Park

When Eric reached all the conclusions he thought that he had no other option and he started approaching the dog.“Prospect Park isn’t a good spot for a dog to be alone,” said Maus in the interview. Eric thought that the only option he had was to go near to that dog.

A Scary Idea

Eric was scared for the dog as well as for himself as he started to approach the dog. The thing that scared Eric like anything was the fact that he had two dogs along with him.

Was it Eric’s foolhardiness that made him walk towards the dog along with the companions he had?

Approaching Her

Although there are many myths relating to pitbull’s aggressive nature, it is very unlikely that a pit bull will attack anyone if it is properly bred and has not been trained to do so. But when Eric started approaching the pooch, she didn’t move an inch.

What’s That

When Eric came across the pooch he noticed that she was tied to a tree but there was something else, something odd about the surroundings that he did not notice at first but noticed afterward. The tree to which the pooch was tied had something that was hanging from it.

A Piece Of Paper

Eric found that there was a note that was hanging from the tree that had something inscribed in a sharpie on it. The note that was hanging from the tree had details about the pooch and it made one thing sure that whoever left that pooch had no other option with him.

The Note

The note stated: “Take me home. I’m a great dog. I’m 7 years old. Don’t let my size scare you. I’m sweet.”. It was pretty clear to Eric that the pooch was quite friendly as it did not move when he tried to approach him. But Eric still couldn’t figure out many things.


Eric couldn’t understand why someone would leave such a lovely and adorable dog all by herself in a place that isn’t safe for a pooch. And at this point, Eric understood that whoever might have left her there might have given her a chance of getting a help.

What Next?

He could see that the owner cared about the pooch but he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to leave him alone in the park tied to a tree. Anyone could have taken her along with them. And when all the thoughts settled in his mind, he started to think of what should be done next.


“The pit bull was being so sweet and so gentle,” said Eric in an interview. “She was just laying there, tongue out, so cute.” One thing that Eric was now sure about was that the pooch was abandoned and he had to do something about the pooch.


Deserted all alone in the park, Eric was not able to think about what should he do next. Should he call the authorities? Or, should he walk away as nothing happened and he did not see anything. But Eric wasn’t someone who would run away from a problem like that.

Social Media

People blame social media for lots of things, but the reality is that social media can be really helpful if used properly. And this case was going to prove the same. When Eric was unable to think of anything he devised a way of finding a proper solution.


Social media became life-saver in this situation.

Eric at once took out his phone and took a picture of Mamas and the note that was hanging next to her on the tree. After taking pictures of Mamas, Eric posted the same on Facebook. He started asking advice on the social media platform in the hope of help.


Image result for person checking messages on facebook

“Found this dog tied to the tree near the boathouse in Prospect Park.” Eric posted the same on Facebook and expected people to help him out in this situation. And his expectations were met by people soon. People started contacting him immediately.

A Message

Eric explained almost everything on his Facebook post “There’s a note on the tree that says take him. Who do we call?”. And within a matter of minutes, people started contacting him. Maus received a message and the person asked him to wait at the same spot for some time.

Some Random Person

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A person came to meet Eric and the pooch after a few moments. This person inquired about everything that was happening and the pooch from Eric. And after getting a brief explanation of what was happening that guy called for a car outside the park and helped them with transport.

Sean Casey

The person who came to help out Eric and Mamas was now taking them to someplace safe. The person took Eric, Mamas and the two clients Eric brought with him to Sean Casey Animal Rescue, a shelter that could find a spot for Mamas and was nearby that park.


Eric and the person that helped him were about to experience one of the greatest transformations they were to ever witness. As soon as Mamas got into the car, she was a different dog altogether. She was a bit slow and the reason was still unknown.

Fears Vanishing

On seeing this huge transformation Eric’s fears starting vanishing. As soon as Mamas saw the car, she started to become less hesitant. This indicated that she knew that she was safe now, and she need not worry about anything. And this resulted in Eric being relaxed and happy.


“When we took her out of the car it seemed like she was ready.” Not only she was ready, but she “basically jumped out of the car — which was a really good sign. She knew that she was safe.” And at that point the person accompanying them and Eric’s tensions were relieved. But Eric did not know what was going to happen next.

Lucky Pooch

Casey, the founder, and owner of the non-profit organization explained: “This dog was incredibly lucky,”. Casey believes that Eric came as an angel in the life of Mamas who will be examined for any kind of disease or illness. Then Casey gave a very shocking statement.

Several Similiar Calls

“We receive several calls a week for dogs that have been tied out here or cats left in boxes.” According to Casey, this is only one of the many cases that come to lights, there are many cases in which no one takes as much pain as Eric took and people usually turn their backs on situations like these.

The Unsung Hero

Eric Maus the unsung hero of this situation always thought that it might be financial or some personal problem of the owner because of which he might have left him in the park all alone and on that point Eric had forgotten that person because Eric had also not taken up a pet due to his financial problem and he could understand the situation.


The fact for which Eric was thankful to the previous owner was that he tied the note right next to the pooch which helped Eric understand the whole situation and take proper and required actions. Casey also praised Eric for his commendable act of bravery.

A Better Life

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The owner tied her alone in the park so that she could have a better life, but what he was unaware of was the fact that this act could have made her situation a lot worse. Vets had some serious concerns about Mamas’ health.

Bladder Infection

According to the vets, Mamas had a bladder infection and that was the only medical problem she had. The vets added that she needed to lose some pounds. This was one of the problems because of which she was walking very slowly when she first met Eric.


The vets also informed that Mamas hadn’t been spayed and that was also to be taken care of once the bladder infection is treated. The vets claim that the pooch would be up for adoption within a week after surgery. But that’s not where it was going to stop for Mamas.

Quite Happy

In the meantime, Mamas became quite famous and it was all possible because of the social media and the local news. Mamas is happy about the new journey that she is about to begin. Mamas would be really thankful to Eric and each and everyone who rescued her.

Mamas Love Everbody

One of the spokespeople at the shelter reported that “Mamas is settling in well and she likes everybody and everything.” Meanwhile, Eric is confident about the fact that the pooch is going to find a new family soon and they would be equally happy to have her. Till the time she finds a family, she is glad that she is out of that park and amongst people like Eric.


“Mamas is a total sweetheart, with big brown doe-y eyes,” Maus said in an interview, he added, “she’s just a happy dog.” She might look scary in the first appearance but she isn’t, she’s big and chubby and so is her heart. And now because of the rescuers, there seems a bright future awaiting her.


According to Casey, many owners cannot afford to take care of their dogs. But this is not the problem that these guys face. The main problem that is faced on a daily basis by these local shelters is that people leave these pets away and alone, instead of calling the shelter houses for help.


Eric recalls that when he was a kid, he had a dog. And he clearly remembers that when they had to get a dog, Eric accompanied his parents to the place from where they had adopted the dog he had. Eric stated that people should try to take the help of these shelter homes while facing problems with pets.

Living Situation

Eric in an interview stated that “ I would’ve loved to adopt Mamas, but unfortunately, my living situation cannot allow for it.” He further added, “It’s moments like these where I want to raise awareness about adopting rather than buying your next dog or cat. Adopted pets are the most loving pets there are.”

Happy Ending

Less than a month after this incident Mamas at the shelter got her separate kennel. But this was not only the good news Sean had for the pooch. Sean further told that someone had adopted Mamas and was waiting for her to get spayed so that she could get into her new home.

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