## This Pit Bull Has A Heart Of Gold And Couldn’t Leave Her Furry Friend Behind


Still Waiting for a Home

The rescue made sure to update their page frequently, letting people know that Merrill and Taco were still available. They were really hoping the perfect owner would come along and adopt both dogs, but was that going to happen? The last thing the rescue staff wanted was for to see them languishing in the shelter.


Source: Flickr

To at least get them out of the shelter, Jodi, one of the volunteers, decided to foster the two dogs until they were adopted. They were just so different, one young, one old, one small, one large, but then something happened that gave the staff some hope!

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The Perfect Family

The Facebook post was swirling around the internet for a while, but unfortunately, nothing really came of it. But suddenly, a family from San Jose came across the picture and decided that they were going to take both dogs and offer them a good loving home.


Source: Flickr

Of course, they wanted to meet the Merrill and Taco first to make sure it was a good fit. The family headed over to Jodi’s house to see how the dogs would feel around them. They were surprised to learn that these dogs were even better in person! It seemed as though they finally found a loving home. But things weren’t perfect just yet.

The Problems Begin

Sure, the dogs had a family that loved them and allowed them to stay together, but it wasn’t really the ideal situation. Taco was getting older, which came with some health issues. Other than Asthma, poor taco had gum problems, which caused most of his teeth to fall out and make his tongue floppy.


Source: Flickr

Despite all the health complications and clear neglect that Taco suffered, the new family was happy to take them as they are and deal with any issue the dogs had. However, the dogs were only home for about a month when it became evident that Taco’s health issues weren’t as minor as they initially thought.

Health Complications

After a month of being with their new family, the owners took Taco to the vet for a checkup. Older Chihuahuas are known to be fragile, so they wanted to make sure everything was okay with him. Sadly, they didn’t receive the news they were hoping for.


Source: Flickr

When the vet examined Taco, he realized the dog was in heart failure. After running a few times, it became evident that there were bigger issues at hand. In addition to his other health complications, the Chihuahua had an enlarged heart and fluid around his lungs. His condition wasn’t looking good at all.

Anxiously Waiting

Taco’s new family was worried about him. The vet made it clear to them that Taco needs to see a specialist as soon as possible before his heart gave up completely. He gave them some medication for the dog, and they immediately scheduled an appointment with a vet specialist.


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It felt like their appointment with the specialist took forever to arrive. Meanwhile, Taco was taking his medication and spent most of his time playing with Merrill. The family loved the dogs already and were hopeful that Taco would be okay. But they were also terrified that they might get some more bad news and have to put the Chihuahua down.

Holding on to Hope

Given Taco’s age and condition, his chances weren’t looking too great. His new family grew to love him completely and didn’t want to lose him. They were determined not to give up on Taco and make sure he knew how loved he was. I mean, this dog got more attention in his short time with the family than he had his entire life.


Source: Pinterest

However, it was Merrill who came to aid her best bud. Taco looked after her when she was sick and recovering, and now it was her turn to help her poor friend. She made sure he was cared for all the time, and she didn’t leave Taco’s side for more than a minute.

Taco’s Miracle

While anxiously waiting for Taco’s appointment with the vet specialist, the family was surprised to see him getting better. Maybe it was all the love he was showered with, maybe it was his special bond with Merrill that kept him going, or maybe it was nothing more than a miracle. Whatever the reason, Taco was looking better.


Source: Flickr

When the specialist finally met with Taco, he gave the Chihuahua a few medications to help him recover. He got steroids to help prevent fluids from going into his lung, plus some anti-seizure medicine. Taco made a full recovery from his heart issues, but unfortunately, his lung problems didn’t end there.

Living the Life

Even though Taco had health complications, they didn’t slow him down. Sure, he might look tiny compared to the Pitbull, but the little Chihuahua was a ball of energy. Merrill even gets tired before Taco does. The fact that an old, sick dog can keep up with a pup like Merrill is incredible.


Source: Flickr

Taco was living a pretty wonderful life. Since the two dogs got adopted together, they have been living happily with their new family. Taco is loved and surrounded by people who care about him, and of course, the Pit bull, who has stayed by his side all along. The family even made a Facebook page for their two pets.

Facebook Updates

The family chose to stay anonymous, but they do run the Merrill & Taco Facebook page. They share the beautiful and unbreakable bond the dogs have, and the page is pretty popular. So many internet users were interested in the pair after the viral post from Rocket Dog Rescue, and now, they can follow them online.


Source: Flickr

The pictures show how happy the pets are in their new home and how well-adapted they are to their new family. Although the dogs appear to be content, they still can’t be separated. They will still cry if they are apart from each other even if it’s just for a minute or two.

Energy Ball

Merrill is a young bouncy pup and spends a lot of time playing and running with her family in the yard. The way she leaps and rolls makes her look like the happiest dog in the world. It’s not surprising, considering she found a wonderful place to live with the perfect family and her best friend.


Source: Flickr

Taco has energy, but he is not as fast as his Pitbull friends because of his tiny little legs, but his family loves to carry him around. All the dogs want is to not be separated. A long as they are close together, Taco and Merrill are content.

Doggy Baby

Taco loves to be carried around and cuddled up. He has fun running around with Merrill, of course, but he loves being wrapped and swaddled. He is literally picked up like a newborn baby and is happy when he is being snuggled.


Source: Flickr

When Taco is not being carried around, he is in close proximity to his buddy Merrill. Even though the Pitbull is obviously bigger and stronger than Taco, Merrill never exerts her dominance. She is more than happy to allow taco to climb on her, jump on her back, and basically use her body as a huge pillow. Their love for each other is unbelievable.

Snuggle Muffins

The Pitbull and Chihuahua obviously spent most of their time together, but now they were getting attached to their human family as well. Both dogs love sleeping next to them and can often be found on a bed, snuggled up with one of the family members. If someone is watching TV, Taco and Merrill are right beside them curled up.


Source: Flickr

Their Facebook page featured pictures of the two doggy’s cuddling up with one another after playing. You can also find several photos of them cuddling with their favorite humans. They are surrounded by so much love and care with the family.

Holiday Season

Ever since the dogs were adopted from Rocket Dog Rescue, they have been happy. They never have to be worried about being abandoned and left without a family ever again. Their social media documents the special moment with the family, including their first Christmas in their new home.


Source: Flickr

The family dressed the dogs up to celebrate the holiday and showed them off for the internet world to see. When they posted the photo, the family made sure to thank Jodi and Rocket Dog Rescue for helping them find their beloved pets. It was a long journey, but the dogs were finally exactly where they want to be, and they are together.

One Year anniversary

Another celebratory day was Taco and Merrill’s one year anniversary of coming home. The plan was to have a fun day, going for a walk with the family, and some other friends the dogs liked playing with. The family celebrated the dogs and surprised fans when they posted another picture.


Source: Flickr

It was a photo of the Merrill and Taco with Kim- the Rocket Dog Employee who originally posted the photo of both dogs together in the shelter. She was the reason the family found the two precious canines in the first place. Thanks to her efforts, they were finally exactly where they belong.

True Friendship

The bond Merrill and Taco have was formed during difficult times, but it created something special for the animals to share. For them, age, health, and size differences didn’t matter. All they wanted was to be together, and they were. So, they were happy.


Source: Flickr

When you take a first look at the Pitbull and Chihuahua, it might look like they are in love, but their beautiful relationship goes far beyond that. No one knows what exactly happened to these two before they were abandoned, but it must have been terrible. They are attached to one another like glue and take care of one another.

Happy Ever After

Since Merrill and Taco’s case garnered so much interest around the internet, Rocket Dog Rescue decided to share a picture of the beloved doggy duo. The picture was of the two sweet canines snuggling up next to a fireplace, and illustrates how happy and content they really are.


Source: Flickr

Under the picture was a caption that read: “Merrill & Taco are doing wonderful in their forever home. They are enjoying hanging out by the fire snuggling up after another long, fun-filled day.” It was certainly heartwarming and made fans ecstatic to see how happy the precious fur balls were with their loving family.

New Buddies

Merrill and Taco will be together until the end, But Merrill started to branch out and make some new friends. She is open to more companionships, and here you can see her with a new favorite friend, PJ. This picture was taken the first time the two dogs ever played together.


Source: Flickr

The canines were having a great time running around and playing. It seems like PJ matched Merrill’s antics and high energy more than little Taco. Many people wondered why Taco wasn’t there that day, but don’t worry. He was fine but had other plans for the day.

Taco Chills out

After the dogs spent a few years with their wonderful loving family, they were able to be separated every once in a while. That means that Merrill can play outside with her doggy friends, while Taco chills in the house. The older Taco is getting, the more he would rather relax then run around.


Source: Flickr

Someone commented on a photo asking why Taco wasn’t included in Merrill’s play date, and the owner replied, saying it was getting rough out there. “This like clash of the Titans stuff.” They decided to keep Taco out of the intensity, and the Chihuahua was totally okay with that.

Spa Day

The dogs were having a fantastic time with their new family and finally felt safe and secure. The family knew exactly what to do to make them feel great. In this picture, you can see Merrill and Taco having a fun spa day at the groomers- but they don’t look particularly thrilled.


Source: Flickr

The owner admits that the doggy duo aren’t the biggest fans of bath time, but at least they enjoy the walk to and from the groomers. Plus, after their not-so-relaxing spa day, the groomer gives them a treat! It’s just another activity that Merrill and Taco can do together.

Nail Paw-lish

The precious canines get more than just a bath when they visit the groomers. Merrill gets a pedicure as an essential beauty ritual. Even dogs want to look great! After trimming her nails, the groomer applies Pawlish, which is a special OPI-brand pet polish. It gives the Pitbull a girly look.


Source: Flickr

The nail polish takes a little while to dry, so after she gets her paws painted, Merrill chills out and takes a nap. She seems to be comfortable in this new fancy life that she never had before. Fans were just curious about Taco. What color nail polish did the Chihuahua get?

Snack Time

Merrill was pleased to be pampered with some new nails, but Taco is focused on other things… like food. In this picture, from March 2015, you can see Taco slobbering up a giant bone. While Merrill likes her nails, Taco definitely enjoys a well-deserved delicious treat.


Source: Flickr

Despite his incredibly close bond with Merrill, the Chihuahua didn’t let her touch his bone! Even though he doesn’t have that many teeth left, Taco is determined to chow down that massive bone without any help from the Pitbull. Watching Taco turning Merrill away from his snack had the owners cracking up. The canine has definitely evolved since his days at the shelter.

Another Christmas

In 2015, Taco and Merrill got to celebrate another Christmas with their family that they grew to adore. Luckily for fans. The owners didn’t disappoint with the pictures. You can see the festive pooches reluctantly wearing antler headbands, and it is adorable! The dogs, however, didn’t like them very much.


Source: Flickr

The family said that the headband because Merrill to stay still because she was worried the antlers would fall off. It was entertaining for the family, but the Chihuahua was the one who really stole the show. His head was way too small for the headband, so they put it around his tint body. As you can see, Taco was not amused.

Cone Heads

The canines started off 2017 with a visit to the vet. Taco and Merrill arrived with the notorious cone of shape around their necks. It wasn’t the best look or an exciting way to bring in the New Year, but their adoptive family these two ended up with are very careful about their health.


Source: Flickr

The owners never revealed what medical procedure exactly the duo got done; it was probably for their own good. Thankfully, the humans around them were cautious about their health. They have taken excellent care of them until now, and it doesn’t look like that is going to ever change.

Free Range

Merrill and Taco got lucky enough to live on open land, and they are free to explore whenever they want. That is every dog’s dream, so these doggies really ended up in paradise. They can frequently discover new things, like here where Merrill met a horse and donkey for the first time.


Source: Flickr

The canine was curious about the farm animals and followed her human buddy to meet them. While the Pitbull was out and about, Taco was perfectly content hanging out in the warm and secure house. The fact that the two weren’t glued to each other and can separate for a little while shows how comfortable they are in their home.

Morning Ritual

Merrill and Taco aren’t just mooches; they are part of the family and know how to make themselves pretty useful. A perfect example is when their human brother needed to get up early. The doggy duo gets to work and helps wake him up in the most adorable way possible.


Source: Flickr

They first cuddle up under his blanket and then push his arm until he wakes up. In this case, he most likely woke up from the flash of the picture being taken by another family member who wanted to document their cute little ritual. These sweet doggies have a special place in the family’s heart.

Home Forever

Merrill and Taco suffered some kind of trauma in their former life, and it was a long journey to find a new family. They now have the love and care they always yearned for, and best of all, they didn’t get separated. The canines can just enjoy life, relax, and snuggle up with each other for a nap.


Source: Flickr

This charming picture was taken in early 2018. The dogs are curled up in a pretty fancy doggy bed- something they probably never thought they would get. They are still the happiest when they are side by side, and nothing can break their special bond.

Rocket Dog Rescue

Rocket Dog Rescue was the organization that ultimately brought the Pitbull and Chihuahua to their family. The shelter rescues abandoned pets or animals whose owners can’t take care of them. They also save animals that would otherwise be killed and gives them a nurturing place to stay while they are waiting to get adopted.


Source: Flickr

No matter what age, what breed, or what condition the dog is in, the Rocket Dog Rescue volunteers strongly believe that there is a home out there for every dog. They certainly proved that when it came to Taco and Merrill. Although it took some time, they found the doggy duo, a family that welcomed both canines.

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