Homeless Dad Receives A Life-changing Makeover On Father’s Day

 Some people always find a way to help others in some way or the other. These small acts of kindness towards the needy people make them feel special because they don’t come across such people very often so it becomes memorable for them and helps them to have a new perspective. A similar incident happened when one day a hairstylist in Dallas helped a homeless dad living on the streets for many years and ignored by the people with a small act of generosity which changed his life forever.

Hot Sunny Day

It was just another hot sunny day and everybody was running back and forth to work, some were dropping their kids to school or going to the office. Midst of all the chaos, there was a shabby man sitting on the side of the road. He was looking around and protecting himself from getting hit by ignorant people who were so absorbed in themselves and didn’t care to look down.

The Old Man

The man looked as if he was in his early sixties, he somehow managed to sit on the half-broken bench beside the tree that had been there for countless years. It was the only place the old man used to feel a little safe about. He used to sit there for hours, his eyes were piggy and sunken into the depth of his skin as if he had not eaten for years properly. Time had stabbed his face with its wrath and now his eyes had sunk in as a consequence.


His clothes were all torn and dirty as it had been years since he had taken a bath. His nails had become brittle and had broken from the edges due to working in dingy factories where labors were badly treated. Grains of sand rested on his shoulder and all over his tousled hair. His eyes lacked the shine, it wasn’t because he was getting old but it seemed like he had gone through a lot and was in constant pain.


As usual, he was lost in his own thoughts and didn’t see the uncontrolled bike coming his way. He didn’t understand anything at that moment, all he felt was a sudden jerk and an unknown force pushed him towards the other side. The moment he gained his consciousness it dawned upon him that he had been saved from a fatal accident. He saw a lot of people making a circle around the bike which had crashed into the broken bench.


When he understood the situation he immediately turned around to see who was it. A lady stood beside him, she was still in shock of what had happened while she was tightly holding him by his arms. Her other hand was on her mouth covering her shocked face. Whereas the old man stood there indifferent to the whole situation.

Calming Down

The crowd started to disperse after things came in control a bit, the police too came on the spot. Luckily no one had injured during the accident, which was a relief for the police and people around. As the things came to normal again the old man sighed heavily watching his only safe place “the bench” crushed into several pieces. The woman was still standing beside him watching him silently.

No Place To Go

The old man had no place to sit now so he cleaned the place where he was standing with his hands and sat there still lost in thoughts. The woman was now intrigued and wanted to know more about him so she started to converse with the man saying that she always sees him sitting there on the bench and inquired about his home and family.

Telling The Truth

Tears started to roll down his cheeks as he heard the question. She had never seen him crying like this and apologized to him. He became silent for a while and then opened his mouth to say something but he was too overwhelmed with emotions that no words came out of his mouth, no matter how much he tried. Then after a while, he faced her and started telling his story


He told her that he wasn’t homeless instead, he had a family but due to some reason, he had separated from his family. And now with this touseled overgrown hair and miserable condition, no one would even recognize him anymore. The woman was moved to tears when she heard his story and couldn’t withhold her emotions and silently left the place.

Mrs. Hot Hands

When she reached her salon, all she could think was the old man and his story. The woman was known for her generous nature and ran a salon. People loved her and her creative style of cutting hair, she was often named as “Mrs. Hot Hands”. She had been in this business for years and had changed the lives of numerous people by giving them trendy hairstyles.


That day her mind was not in peace with her heart and she wasn’t able to focus on her work. So she thought of taking a break from the routine and walked in the corridors for a while. She had always helped people in her life in whatever ways that were possible and now she couldn’t think of any way in which she could help him. Would she be able to find a way out to help him?

Finding Out

When she was returning home from her salon, she stood still at a distance watching the old man. Her coworker too stood there by her side and asked why did she stop abruptly. She pointed towards the man and asked if she knew something about him. She recited the same story as he did in the morning but she also told her that he had 4 kids, 11 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren and he desires to meet them.

Searching Information

After she was done with dinner, she searched on her laptop to find out about the old man’s family. But she couldn’t find it as there were several similar stories just like the old man’s. It was nearly midnight when she had searched through several stories but failed to find any clue about the man’s family. She slept barely that night because all she could think was how to help the man.

Getting Back

When she was unable to find his family, she maintained a routine of stopping there with the old man for a while and feeding him with some homemade food and cookies. She would generally leave half an hour early from her home to meet the old man in her journey to the office. This would really make her feel good that she was able to offer some help but then too, there was thought back in her to helping him find his family. Would she be able to succeed?

Humid May

As the month of May started, Texas’ weather had become more humid than before. She got worried about the old man as he used to live in a dingy place with no ventilation and offered him to help change his place. But he politely refused her offer because he knew with the amount of money he had, this place was the only place he could afford. She felt bad for a while but she knew she had to find a way very soon.

Father’s Day

One day she was going on the road, she saw a beautiful poster depicting the relationship between a father and a daughter through a quote in a store. She stood there for a while and several thoughts started to run in her mind. The kids in the store were buying gifts or writing poetry for their fathers using all the skills they were good at. What would she was planning to do?


She thought when everyone was showcasing their talent why didn’t she do something she was good at. So while she headed back home after work she invited the old man to her salon the next day. The man was quite surprised but due to her consistent request, he had to give in and accepted her invite. What was she planning to do?

The Next Day

The old man was excited and nervous too because it had been years since he had seen his face properly let alone gone to a salon. So the next morning after finishing his work he stood there waiting for Mrs. Hot Hands without having a clue what miracle she was going to do with her hands today. She smiled as she saw him on the footpath waiting for her and waved at him as she approached him.

Mixed Feelings

As she reached on the same side of the road, the old man finally asked her what she was planning. She smiled and said she knew he wouldn’t take any favors from her, but as father’s day was coming she was thinking to gift him something. He was surprised by this and asked about the gift. She said she was going to give him a little transformation.


He was surprised when he heard her plan as he didn’t even remember when was the last time he had gone for cutting and that too in a salon. So he had mixed feelings about it, he was nervous as well as excited about his transformations. He was getting ready for it and hoped it would help him find his family too. Would his desires come true?

Long Tousled Hair

Soon she made him sit on one of the chairs and covered his shirt with a black cover and started to cut his hair. The salon’s floor cluttered up with long, untidy and messy hair. The dirt in the hair had gone so deep that it had clamped the hair in such a way that it became difficult for Mrs.Hot Hands to comb his hair. But she was determined to give the man a new look. Would she be able to succeed in the same?

The Gift

He started to talk about his past as she cut another strand of hair. In all the conversation he told her that his name was Larry Green and he had turn 60 a couple of months ago. He also told certain details about his past that he remembered faintly because it had been quite a few years that he had separated from his family. He also desired to reunite with his family again. He was positive that his transformation would help him find his family again.


He also thought this transformation might be able to give his career a new hope and he would also be able to avail opportunities that he was denied because of his looks. He also said he remembered teaching psychology for a while before he lost contact with his family. While he was remembering his past incidences she was trying her best to give him a new look that would change his life forever.

Helping Out

She was doing this to make Larry feel special as for the past few years life had been rough for him and the weather had been extremely harsh. She wasn’t any miracle worker and giving him a haircut was one of the smallest things she could do for him. Though she always wanted to find his family and help him reunite with them, she wasn’t able to find any clue so this was the only way she could make him feel better.

An Angel

She appeared as an angel in his life and was constantly making positive changes in his life, fetching him homemade food and cookies every other day, who does it for a stranger whom they had met a couple of weeks ago. She was trying her best to make him look exactly the way he used to be. Would she be able to transform him the way he used to look before?

Father’s Day Special

Later in an interview, Mrs. Hot Hands told a famous website about her experience and said: “We just want to make him feel good and show him just because he is not financially stable right now that he can still get appreciated,”. She proved that there exist people who not only follow their passion but help others too.


Ever wondered about having no home to come to in the evening when you’re all tired and exhausted, finding no one who gives you strength and hope of a better future. On top of it, the people living on the road forget how love and warmth from their loved ones feel like. Here, Larry Green was lucky to find Mrs.Hot Hands who reminded him that he was a human just like her.

Transformation Starts

He had been living on the street for almost 2 decades before his life savior jumped in to make him feel human again just like a normal person. But living on the street and dingy areas without any human contact he had lost all his hope of looking like one. Mrs. Hot Hands had truly come out as a guardian angel to him and made him look like a decent person again.


His makeover started with a simple haircut but it had meant the world to him. Previously, people had not even asked him water or loaf of bread and here she was transforming him from head to toe. “I know she’s made me look like somebody. I don’t feel as low. I don’t feel like I’m nobody,” he said.No doubts it was one of the perfect father’s day gifts that he would have received.


Because of his bad condition, it had become hard for him to identify himself, so how would he have expected his family to recognize him. And now this transformation had inculcated a new hope in him. He was amazed when she didn’t stop at his scalp. She trimmed and shaped his untidy overgrown beard and when he faced the mirror, he was surprised by his transformation and said, “It’s a blessing. I can see the real me.”

The New Look

After hours of hard work when Mrs. Hot Hands finished cutting the old man’s hair, Larry was completely unrecognizable. She didn’t stop here and also gifted him some new clothes, which he needed desperately. Larry was looking at the mirror again and again and it seemed like he was liking the new version of himself that the stylist had transformed him into.

Comfy Bed

Not only the stylist helped him get into a new version of himself but she also booked him a room in a hotel so he could have a comfortable sleep at least for a day or two. There he could take the benefit of a hot shower which helped him to get rid of all the exhaustion. He was totally overwhelmed by the generosity that he had been shown for the past few days.

Lunch Date

She knew only a comfortable bed and a hot shower wouldn’t be enough. It might have been years since he had eaten proper food and dined with friends. She even doubted if he had any acquaintances let alone friends. She hoped that this father’s day gift might open new doors of possibilities as well as bring opportunities too.

Funding Him

Mrs. Hot Hands knew that there was no use of providing him the basic amenities just for one night, so she thought of a way through which the help could be extended beyond the father’s day treat. So on June 15, 2019, the stylist created an account named GoFundMe to help raise help for this old man. Would she able to raise a sufficient amount for the old man?

Clear Motives

Though these days, it has become easy to make a fundraising account and avail of all the benefits by the fundraiser than by a person who needs the money. But here the generous stylish was not only big-hearted but also had very clear intentions too. So when she made the account she made it transparent that the sun of money that would be collected through this account would be directed to Mr. Larry and no one else.

Collecting Money

It wasn’t the first time she had done something of this sort, so people were quite acquainted with her work. So as soon as she made the account, people started to pour in to help the old man to come out of his miserable condition. And soon after the magic of the account worked and he received $1,870 by 103 donors. Now his dream of going back to his family seemed to be quite realistic.


Her work was immensely praised by people, her Instagram comments are filled with all praise and wise-words. Not only she made people look cool and trendy, some even consider her as an inspiration for doing good work too. One of her followers who also happened to be siblings called her “angel” on her account named  GoFundMe page on Instagram. Likewise, one of her followers with a user name @nicolegeauxs considered her an “inspiration to all of us.”

Slaying Hair For A Living

The bio of Mrs. Hot Hands’ Instagram page reads, “I slay hair for a living.”And there’s no doubt in it. It had been over 2 decades since she had been in the hair industry and slaying hair and gaining popularity. She isn’t simply a hairstylist, many of her makeovers had changed the lives of many people in her career of 20 years. Hopefully, this transformation would bring some significant changes in the life of the old man.

Another Transformation

Larry Green wasn’t the only one who had received her unconditional love, another homeless woman named  Mimi too came in contact with her a few months back. She was too given a full makeover just like Larry. She helped the woman too to raise money to support herself.

Amazing Transformation

With the help of her amazing and helpful followers, she was able to help the woman and supported her through her initial phase of regaining her identity and kick-starting her career. Mimi was grateful for this help and support that she had given her unconditionally. She is now a totally different person and works in a nice place. It is quite amazing how the looks could open the closed doors.

Restoring Self Confidence

A change in the hairstyle sometimes can boost your confidence level and with Mrs. Hot Hands’ expert advice and creative mind, anything is possible. She is known to be a miracle worker, just like Mimi she gave another miraculous makeover to her client who suffered from Alopecia, with a protective style that helped her restore her forgotten smile.

More Miracles To Come

Mrs.Hot Hands had not only changed people’s lives by simply giving them a fancy hairstyle and some money to sustain them but also given them a new perspective in life. With a new point of view, they were now enthusiastic and felt more confident about themselves. This gave a new direction to them to work with more zeal in their lives. Hopefully, she continues to do the good work and also may Larry would be able to reunite with his family soon.

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