Man Exacts The Perfect Revenge On His Neighbor Who Kept Blocking His Car Inside The Apartment Parking Lot

 Driving can bring us some mixed experiences. While it can be fun going on a ride with friends, traffic and rude drivers can easily spoil our day. The story is about a mechanic whose plans faced repeated obstacles from a neighbor’s car. When things went too far, the mechanic, known as AngryAussieGam3r on Reddit decided to give it back to his neighbor and what he did must have taught his dear friend a lesson. It might have caused a lot of problems for the neighbor but for us, it was utterly funny and amusing.


Our mechanic friend is a workaholic but also believes in taking a break. AngryAussie is not what his name suggests. He is a very cool guy happy in his life and a wonderful friend. He likes being on the road with his mates and that was he had great plans. 

Work All Day

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It was a long day at work. AngryAussie had been working tirelessly all day to make sure all his customers were served as expected. The work of a mechanic is, of course, tedious but he also enjoyed his work and that made it easy for him. He was also excited about how good the evening would be. 

The Night Out

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He with his mates had decided to have a night out of town on the roads and make it a memorable one. After finishing the day’s work when AngryAussie was back home getting ready for his friends, he saw something that instantly soured his mood and he had a frown on his face. 

Parking Blocked

As he got down to the garage to pull his car over, he saw that some strange car had blocked his parking in such an abrupt manner that it was impossible for him to roll his car. He was stunned by the irresponsible parking of the car’s owner but decided to wait for him to return and move his car. 

A Long Wait

It was a long wait. AngryAussie was now actually losing his cool. But there was no time to waste. The evening was still there waiting for him and his friends were too. When the owner of the wretched car did not turn up for some more time, he had no choice but to call his friend to pick him up. Did the evening go as he had expected?

Things Getting Worse

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For the next couple of weeks, AngryAussie’s car was frequently blocked by the rude car that had first shown that evening. He now found himself stuck in the garage so frequently that sometimes he also had to opt for other ways of conveyance. 


The only way AngryAussie could contact the rude car owner was through written notes that he used to stick on the windscreen of the car. To which he did not get any reply. The notes did not change the perpetrator’s behavior. He couldn’t believe the extent to which he was being irritated by the other owner. 

Repeat Offender

Things were now turning worse. Every time AngryAussie had a plan waiting, the rude car was waiting for him as well. So many times had the car blocked his way that AngryAussie was now scared to go the parking lot. He knew his car would be blocked. 

Drunk Driver: The Theory

AngryAussie thought what anyone else would have thought. He guessed that the offender was a drunkard who forgot to remove his car from the parking every night he returned from the bar. But this was only a decent theory. He had no proof to identify the perpetrator. 

Calling Google For Help

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When he got no idea of getting rid of the car, AngryAussie turned towards the internet to see the ways people had got rid of bad parking examples. Now, he was a good man and did not want to take a rude step. He had to think of a different strategy. 

Getting Late

The main problem for him was that he never knew when to expect his car blocked. The blockage was making him late on an unpredictable basis. That is why he never got to confront him and address the issue. 

Not To Miss Obligation

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The tension was rising for AngryAussie because he had something planned with his friends which he could not afford to miss and before the day arrived he had to sort it out with the driver to make sure that he is not blocked on the day of the obligation. 

Weekend With Friends

It was not often that all six of his closest friends would come together and have a weekend off. They had a wonderful plan in place and he couldn’t afford to miss it. This was a special trip and to let this happen, AngryAussie had to make sure that he was not parked in again. 

Seeking The Authority’s Help

He thought that only enforcement authorities could help him in this matter and decided to take the case to them. Not to directly jump to the police and the towing company he first decides to bring the matter to the notice of the building manager. 

Not Paying Heed

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AngryAussie was surprised that instead of helping him, the building manager did not even take any interest in identifying the car owner. Now that he had been turned down by the building manager he decided to get more serious. 

Parked In

This was the last time AngryAussie was ready to find himself parked in. One morning when he found the car blocking him yet again, he called for the towing company. Unfortunately for him, his car was parked on the third floor of the parking lot and the towing company disagreed to provide any service.

Taking Matters In Own Hands

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AngryAussie was dejected and finally decided to take matters in his own hands. He had to do something after everyone he looked towards denied any help. He had a few ideas about which he was thinking to act on. 

Trip Upcoming

The days were passing and the upcoming trip was now not very far. AngryAussie was flipping through options before he finally locked himself on his plan. He had decided how he was going to rid of the driver and his car and finally get back to his normal life. 

The Tool

Not to forget that AngryAussie was a garage mechanic he looked towards his auto shop for tools to get him out of the jam. This time our friend got lucky. He found exactly what he was looking for. It was perfectly what he could use to teach the rude and irresponsible car owner a lesson. 

The Perfect Plan

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With the new tool he had with him, AngryAussy was assured that on the day of the trip he would finally do the needful to make sure that the driver would never again try to block his parking. The plan was in place an then came the day of the trip. 

The Day Of The Trip

Finally, the day had come and AngryAussie was stress-free about getting parked early in the morning. His friends would turn up anytime and soon he would find out if he will have to use the tool he had searched for. 

Get The Metal

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When AngryAussie with his friends headed to the garage, he found his car blocked in the worst possible state. But he did not lose his cool and ran straight back to his house to grab the strange metal contraption. When he was back with it everyone could see how he decided to get his vehicle out. 

Positioning Jack

The metal contraption was a vehicle positioning jack. This could be used to move the vehicle anywhere they wanted. But the question was where? Would AngryAussie just clear his way and the park the other car anywhere away? Would it teach the driver a lesson? 

Moving The Car

AngryAussie explained to his friends how the jack and wheels in the tool would help them to lift the parked car and then move it wherever they desired. Each of them had a grin on their face. They knew this was going to be fun. They got in their positions.

Securing The Area

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Before they could get into any action, AngryAussie wanted to make sure that the area was secured. AngryAussie went around the garage to make sure that no one was looking and people didn’t take them to be thieves planning to pick a car.

Clear Coast

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While they were not doing anything illegal, it would have looked different for a security guard looking at them carrying out the mission. They would have landed in serious trouble if spotted and the person who had caused so many problems could have got the chance to sue them. 

A Tough Job

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It was a two-ton car that gave them a tough time moving it around. It seemed to be as stubborn as its owner. But the seven of them, as fast as they could start to move the car to the place where they could park it. 

A Dark Corner

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They kept moving it towards a distant, deep and dark corner where AngryAussie has asked them to. As they came close where they had to park it, AngryAussie’s plan became quite apparent. They knew where they were heading to and how bad it would be for the other driver. 

Tit For Tat

The spot that he had chosen for parking the interrupting car was in the corner of the garage. A place where the car would fit easily but we can’t say anything about getting it out of there. This was his perfect revenge and things could not have been better for AngryAussie and worse for the other driver. 

Sweet Revenge

The car was finally moved to the position where they wanted it to be. The funny thing was that the driver would easily get in and out of the car but moving it around would be another matter. The only thing that could get him out of there would be the tool that placed the car over there.

Leaving A Few Inches

With the help of the tool, they had moved the car side to side and placed it there but it was certain that getting it out would be a tedious task. The driver would have to angle the car forward and backward a lot of times to get it out.

Tow The Car

Considering the previous parking experience of the driver, it was certain that he will have a hard time getting his car out of the situation. One could only guess that he would hire a towing company to get the job done. The parking was on the third floor! Will they oblige?


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AngryAussie was extremely satisfied and happy with what he had done. The torture that he had been going through had left him dejected and frustrated and he was waiting for the day he would confront the other driver. Though that never happened, he got to plot his revenge. 

Sped Off

After taking one final look at the car and ensuring that it would be difficult to get the car out without bumping it once or twice, all seven of them sped off for their planned weekend. Parking had never been so fun for any of them. One of them joked of them being different from the typical parking service.

Thinking What Happened

While AngryAussie was away enjoying his break, he could not resist thinking of what would have happened to the car. Is it still parked or the driver managed to get it out. How happy would AngryAussie be to see him try to park the car out of that situation? 

Returned To Check

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When AngryAussie returned from the holiday, he found his spot open for parking. He then ran to have a look at the car that he had parked. He was wishing to see the car still parked there and what he saw there surprised him. 

The Car Still There

Understandably, the car was still there. He had a smile on his face. The vehicle that has caused so much problem for him was not stuck at a spot where it was not even able to get out. He wondered if the driver of the car even found out that his car was parked here.

A Lesson Learnt

The rude driver must have learned a lesson after what had been offered to him when he decided to mess with the wrong guy. He would never dare to do it to anyone. After what seemed to be an experience, AngryAussie felt another wonderful thing. 

Never Again

After a few days, the car was finally moved but the unimaginable happened. AngryAussie never faced the parking problem again. He never saw the problem car again. He finally owned his parking again after a long time. 


While this was just one case of territorial vandalism, they exist everywhere. The clever mechanic with the help of his friends might have got some revenge but this is not always the case. Sometimes people like these cause serious problems for the rightful owners of the property.

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